Topic: Flowers

A list of articles tagged with 'Flowers'.
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Wicken Fen, June 2019

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Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

A walk (and boat trip) around Wicken Fen in Cambridgeshire.  One of the oldest nature reserves - 1899! - and the fifth property bought by the National Trust.

Padley Gorge (May 2019)

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Gallery published , updated by Richard Goodwin

Walking seven miles of moors and woodland around the Longshaw estate. And then the world's biggest chip butties in Grindleford!

New things tried here: combining images for HDR; built a sort routine in to the gallery software so uploads getting out of sync don't matter.

Attenborough, April 2007

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Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

Mostly just pictures of Great Crested Grebe as one was very accommodating, fishing just under the bridge near the car park. With it being so close and spending so long fishing, I hoped I'd get at least one decent shot!

Nottingham Castle, March 2005

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Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

Despite being Nottingham born and bred, I'd never been on the guided tour under the Castle - the caves known as "Mortimer's Hole". So on a trip back to the city (when I still lived in Chichester), my folks finally took me. As well as looking at spooky caves and dungeons, you also get to hear a lot about the history of Nottingham, including the Saxon foundation (at the Lacemarket nearby) and the start of the Civil War (the raising of the Royal Standard at Standard Hill near the Castle - apparently no-one took much notice and they moved on).

There's also some photographs of the Queen Elizabeth pub on Bottle Lane - just before it got knocked down.

Chichester 2

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Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

Miscellaneous bits and pieces snapped around Chichester; the latter half while I was playing around with my "new" camera, taking pics of the wildlife in Priory Park.


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Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

The contents of the old pond

Fishbourne 3

Feature image

Gallery published by Richard Goodwin

Having tried digiscoping in my previous trip to the inlet, I thought I'd give it another shot - not great, but interesting to play around with.   I also took a few snaps of the flora of the area.